State Soil
Updated: August 10, 2020
The Scobey series consists of very deep, well drained soils on till plains, hills, and moraines in the north-central part of Montana. These soils occur on more than 700,000 acres. They are among the most productive soils in Montana’s Golden Triangle, an area known for its ideal climatic conditions for growing wheat of exceptionally high quality. The three points of the Golden Triangle are Havre, Conrad, and Great Falls. The main crops grown on Scobey soils are spring and winter varieties of nonirrigated wheat.
These soils formed in glacial till and under prairie vegetation. The average annual precipitation is about 12 inches. The average annual air temperature is about 43 degrees F. The frost-free period is about 115 days.
These soils are named for the town of Scobey, in northeast Montana. The series was established in 1928.
Special Acknowledgements to: USDA, Natrual Resources Conservation Service
Updated: August 10, 2020