Thompson-Hickman Memorial Museum
Updated: August 24, 2020
William Boyce Thompson provided the money for this fine, fireproof building built in 1916 to 1921 as a memorial to his father and his wife's father, Richard O. Hickman. His father, William Thompson, built many of the original buildings in Alder Gulch. William Boyce Thompson was born in the white house preserved behind the present museum building.
The library, housed in a beautiful room upstairs, was started by Mrs. McNulty and the Virginia City Women's Club in the early 1900's. The collection of artifacts in the museum was begun in 1920 by Jim Elmsie, a carpenter. It is now maintained by the Vigilante Club of Virginia City, founded in 1938 when there was a movement to split up Madison County and give half to Beaverhead and half to Gallatin.
Special acknowledgements to: John D. Ellingsen, John N. DeHaas, Tony Dalich, and Ken Sievert Tom Cook and Ellen Baumler of the Montana Historical Society.
Updated: August 24, 2020