Chief Plenty Coups, Crow Chief
1848 - 1932
Updated: August 31, 2020

The last traditional Chief of the Crow Nation, Plenty Coups was a visionary that led his people from the ‘Buffalo Days’ into the 20th century. He was an accomplished statesman and ambassador well known by several US Presidents and foreign leaders. Chief Plenty Coups best illustrated the close bond between the US and Crow Nation when, in 1921, he offered his war bonnet and coups sticks at the dedication of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. In his speech, he promised the allegiance of Crow warriors to fight any enemy of the United States. His promise has been upheld countless times in wars or armed conflicts since that gathering. The Chief was a leader by example – he was a productive farmer and stockman, expert steward of his 1885 allotment, and a supporter of education.
Chief Plenty Coups State Park had its beginnings in 1928 when the Chief and his wife, Strikes the Iron, willed their home and land as a place for all cultures to come together in a cooperative nature. The Chief did not dedicate this location to glorify himself or his deeds, but to honor the culture of the Crow Nation and to bring people together. - Chief Plenty Coups State Park
Learn More:Updated: August 31, 2020