Updated: September 4, 2020

How do people get from one place to another? How do crops get harvested? How does the livestock get fed? All of these activities probably include using some type of machinery, whether it is a car, truck, or tractor. Who keeps all of these vehicles running smoothly? You’re right, it takes a mechanic to do this work.
Many people learn to fix machinery on their own by trial and error. However, did you know that you can attend classes that will help you get to know how machinery works and how to fix it when something goes wrong? Montana State University – Northern located in Havre, as well as other schools across the state, has a program to teach students this information.

At MSU – Northern, you can learn to fix automobiles, machinery that has diesel engines, and how to repair car bodies. In these fields, students take the required mechanics classes as well as communications, computers, business, and other classes chosen by the student. These classes allow you to choose from many careers upon graduation. Some career options may be to work in a garage fixing other people’s vehicles, selling equipment or parts, or to be self-employed.
If you like to work with your hands and figure out complex problems, this might be just the job for you! To find more information, check out the MSU Northern website.
Updated: September 4, 2020